City of Vancouver newsletter – with link to Arbutus Greenway Consultation Summary Report

Photo showing family and children cycling on Arbutus Greenway

Thank you!

In February 2017, we asked you about your vision and values for the Arbutus Greenway. We heard from you through open houses, Pop-Up City Halls, stakeholder meetings, advisory committee meetings and an online survey.

Thank you for taking the time to be part of the conversation. A few key themes emerged during our conversations. These include:

  • Provide a high-quality, accessible public space for walking and cycling.
  • Create a safe, comfortable, and welcoming destination with places for gathering, socializing, and relaxing.
  • Connect to neighbourhoods, parks, and other points of interest along the greenway, as well as the broader transportation network.
  • Keep green spaces: places for tranquility, to reconnect with nature, to grow food, and nurture ecosystems and biodiversity.

The project team will use what we heard to develop a vision for the future Arbutus Greenway, which will guide our design process over the coming months.

To learn more, the full Consultation Summary Report and a video of what we heard are available at

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